Upcoming Events
At The Learning and Development Company we are committed to serving our main cause – developing strong leaders. Our purpose is simple; empowering people and companies to create highly effective work environments, raising productivity and engagement, and minimizing...
Healthy Leadership
I’m back at ITV Studios this month delivering Mindfulness for Business and Stress Resilience. Leadership development is our primary area of expertise, however through my work thousands of leaders across the UK and Europe I have come to understand that ’Self...
Being a Man On This Planet, Charity Event 25th September 2018, 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Creating more purpose, on purpose
Do you ever stop to think about why you're doing what you are doing? Is it time to think about what you really want? The results, the relationships, the outcomes? Have you got a plan? At the root of reaching high levels of individual and team performance is a...

What our clients are saying about our open course in London
Just to give you a flavour... We have all sorts attend the Essential Management Skills Open Course in London, from fresh new managers to experienced leaders. We've clients in Manufacturing, PR, Recruitment, Marketing, Construction, Fashion, Hospitality to name but a...

Open Course Management Training in London
The Essential Management Skills open course in London.. why it’s unique in the market place. If you are fed up with sending people on one off training courses and not seeing any results/being able to measure the return on your investment, then this may be worth a...

A bit like dating, Su showed up when I least expected it…
This blog is a special, warm welcome to Su Patel, our newly appointed in-house HR and Leadership Consultant at The Learning and Development Company. Around mid 2017 as The Learning and Development Company, it’s methods, leadership programmes and open courses began to...

4 Tips for Kicking Procrastination
Often because of perfectionism, self-doubt, self-sabotage and/or poor work life balance and health it can be challenging to even get out of the starting blocks to get stuff done. Procrastination is a clever beast and requires a sharper than sharp body and mind to...

5 quick Coaching tips for managers
5 tips to enhance your coaching skills A definition for coaching in the UK is ‘Asking meaningful questions to raise awareness’. However open questioning alone can often make for a seemingly pointless or unfocused conversation. Try these 5 tips to develop your...