Mindfulness Strategies for increased productivity, stellar leadership and a more fulfilled existence
I’ve been running Mindfulness for Business Workshops in London and Europe for three years now, everyday I’m learning new methods and techniques that massively impact in personal and workplace productivity. Running a busy training business and currently studying towards a degree in music, I’ve found that the more plates I have spinning, the more I need the valuable techniques and strategies that a regular Mindfulness practice offers.
Journaling is just one practical mindfulness technique that can boost productivity and creativity and if practiced on a regular basis can work wonders for ones quality of work. Journaling can enhance collaborative processes, increase cognitive functioning, decrease stress and anxiety levels and boost creativity, but like anything, it must be practiced often to realise the benefits.
Take a pen and paper, set the timer for ten minutes then splurge a stream of consciousness on to the page, preferably something relevant to what’s going on for you at this time. You could start with ‘What I’m bothered by is…’ ’I am inspired because…’ or ‘I’m happiest when…’. The purpose of the exercise is to free write for 10 minutes and express thoughts and feelings on to the page. You can record emotions and situations to make sense of them. Capturing dreams on paper first thing in the morning can be a festinating experience and you’ll be astounded at the metaphorical messages and realisation that can occur when you read back through.
I once had a difficult relationship with a follow manager in a previous role, a situation that caused me mountains of stress. On several occasions, I used Journaling as an outlet for my frustrations. The activity also double up as a sanity checker for my own irrational thinking patterns and enabled me to get a handle on how I behaved around this person.
From a HR, Management and Leadership perspective capturing a conversation or paying attention to behaviours is a vital skill. Being aware of each side of a story is considered a Mindful strategy and one that can help to resolve conflict and mediate difficult conversations. It’s also very useful for when you need to provide evidence of an event or conversation.
Artists and writers will also use Journaling/free writing as a way of accessing creative and conceptual ideas and if practiced on a regular basis it can massively improve the quality of expression.