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Hi, and thanks for your interest in my free training programme checklist

When I was working as an associate trainer I had the pleasure of working on a number of leadership development programs across a variety of different industries. Whilst all of them have been fantastic to work on, each had very different levels of engagement and transformational impact, for both the participants, and the business’s return on investment.

This checklist has been developed by me, throughout my years of experience to use for new client meetings to get real clarity on what needs to be done in order for the programme to be successful.

Use this checklist as a guide to ensure you are fully prepared to run effective leadership and management programmes within your organization. Considering each of its points will help you deliver maximum return on your investment, and will ensure you provide your people and business with a programme that is truly transformational.

I hope it can be as helpful to you as it has been to me. If you have any questions or wish to discuss the checklist further please contact me, I’d love to hear from you.

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